Thursday, December 17, 2009

Afternoon at the park

It's a lovely day today so I decide to take Miss M for a walk to the park. There's one literally just 2 minutes walk from our house. I'm a bit disappointed it's only 2 minutes away because it means I don't get much of a walk. There were a couple of mums there with their kids (roughly 2yrs old). They leave to go and see the ducks. Miss M overheard this and of course wanted to see the ducks too. I told her we'd go to the big park instead. The big park is only an extra 5 or so minutes walk from the little park.

We get to the big park and there's no-one there so Miss M has full reign of the whole thing. Then a young boy turns up (I'm guessing aged 7, 8 at the max) by himself. He's carrying a broken plastic ruler and starts trying to engrave something on one of the bars, and then again on the slide.... OMG!!!! He's 7 or 8 and already trying to graffiti stuff!!! Why is a 7 or 8 year old coming to the park alone? Surely in this day and age you would want to know where your young child is and what he's doing. Don't people care that there are people out there that are kidnapping kids, or worse?

Maybe I'm just a little overprotective, afterall M is still only 3 and does need to be watched constantly so she doesn't run off.

She did have fun at the park. Another girl came to the park with her dad a little bit later. He was doing laps around the oval area while she played on the swings, etc. M loved having someone else to play with, even if this girl was a few years older than her. Each time the dad came round for his next lap they'd both line up on the limestone wall and give him a high-5 as he ran past. I got to chat to the dad after he'd finished running. Turns out that his daughter (and son) go to the same school that M will be going to. He said it was a really good school. Although M starts kindy next year she won't be going to that school because they're too over-populated! The entire kindy grade will be going to a new school that's being built. When she is in pre-primary she will be at the same school. I wonder if they'll remember each other by then!!


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