Monday, November 30, 2009

I survived...

...3 days away from the computer! And it was wonderful.

The three of us went down to Bridgetown on Friday to see my grandma as we're spending Christmas at home this year instead of Bridgetown.  The scenery looks so different now since the bushfire (16th January 2008 - it started on what would have been Grandad's 83rd birthday). There's no more pine trees surrounding the road and it looks so bare. 33 years of going along that same road with the same scenery... and now it doesn't look like we're traveling to Bridgetown.

The Bridgetown Show was also on and mum and dad were playing music there. Monique had a great time dancing! At the end of every song she would run up to them and give them both a kiss and hug, it was so cute.

M wanted to ride on the roundabout but I hate rides and don't think I would've gone on that one with her and I still think she's too little to go on her own. We did go on a camel ride together though, that was fun, she loved it. She also went on the bouncy castle.

I let M pick out her own showbag. The Hello Kitty one grabbed her attention. I wish the showbag stands were closer together. When I went for a walk with grandma we came across another stand that had a couple of other ones (pirate or doll) that I think M would've chosen over the HK one.

I feel a little guilty that I didn't go and "visit" grandad... It's been just over a year now. I really don't want to go the cemetery alone but I also don't want anyone with me when I go because I don't know how I'll react.  I did say a little hello and goodbye when we passed the road to the cemetery though.

We came home with heaps of goodies - Homemade Apricot Jam, Homemade Grapefruit Marmalade, Homemade Tomato Sauce, Homemade Mango Chutney, Lemons, Avocados, Pumpkin, Fresh Farm Eggs....

Grandma also gave me a pair of earrings. Grandad had given them to her a few years ago but she never wore them because they hurt her ears. They are gorgeous and if I take a photo of them I'll put it on here.

We stopped at my sister's (T) house on the way there and back. Gave nephew B his birthday present which he loved - a Thomas carriage and Thomas undies, he couldn't wait to wear the undies!! T also gave me my birthday present - A bottle of wine, a Simply Too Good To Be True recipe book, some scratchies and some shower gel.

I opened the letterbox when we got home and my BJ shirt had arrived!! Yay, they finally sent the right shirt. I'm thinking that I'll give it to B to wrap up so M can give it to me on Friday for my birthday.

Well that's about it... I've still got some emails to check and heaps of facebook notifications and more photos to upload to facebook. Busy afternoon, lucky M is at daycare today.



  1. sounds like you all had a great time... you know its a shame you feel guilty about visiting grand dad... because he would just love the fact that you are in Bridgetown and visiting grandma.... his spirit is all around the farm.. so I wouldn't feel guilty darling...shame about the fire.... and Xmas will be different at home...have fun...

  2. Your comment made me cry :( But it is true, he's still there, we just can't see him.
